Kyoto’s Top 7 Natural Onsen Areas

Making the trip to Japan’s former capital? It’s a city packed with nods to the country’s history and tradition – and what better Japanese tradition is there than bathing in hot water? Read on to learn all about Kyoto's best onsen areas.

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The Top 7 All-Natural Osaka Onsens

For a city packed with tall buildings and sprawling infrastructure, natural hot spring water might be the last thing you’d expect in Osaka. But the third biggest city in Japan has it in spades, piping it up from deep underground. Read on to learn about the 7 best onsens in Osaka.

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9 Spas in Tokyo to Add to Your Japan Trip in 2023

Tokyo is a big place with lots to see. And if you do enough moving around from one awesome sight to the next, you’re bound to get tired. Maybe even a little sweaty. Luckily, there’s a relaxation paradise around just about every corner where you can wash those troubles away. Learn about the top 9 Tokyo spas here.

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