A Deep Dive on Japan’s Cost of Living per Month

The cost of living per month in Japan is around ¥160,000, which translates to $1,140 USD as of November 2022. This includes things like rent, food, and other spending money. However, as with any budget there are many personal factors that can bring that number up or down such as cars and rent. Read on to learn more.

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Moving to Japan without Knowing Japanese Is Easier than You Think

Moving to Japan without knowing Japanese can be a challenge, but it’s far from impossible. English teaching companies prefer that you don’t speak Japanese in schools, and if you get a job with one, they’ll organize the hardest parts of moving. Looking for other work may prove more difficult, unfortunately.

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Love at First Japan – A Forever Foreign Essay

Everyone's first trip to Japan is different. Mine just so happened to be full of little bumps in the road that shone a positive light on the whole experience. Take a peek at the first of the Forever Foreign essays, a look at some of the many faces that Japan has to offer.

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