Forever Foreign Podcast Trailer

David Taylor

David Taylor is the creator of the Forever Foreign Podcast. He's been a full-time liver and Part-time lover of Japan for... possibly too long at this point.
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After nearly two years of writing, designing, recording weird sound effects, and otherwise hitting road blocks, we’re massively excited to announce season 1 of Forever Foreign! You can listen to it here:

What is the Forever Foreign podcast, you ask? Well, it’s the story of a group of 20-something English teachers fresh off the plane to Japan, recounted via the audio diary that one of them keeps.

It’s slice of life, audio-drama light – mostly narrated, but occasionally interrupted by characters who bring the recording back into the “real world.”

Where and When to Listen to Forever Foreign

Episode 1 will be released on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 and there’ll be a new episode every two weeks after that. You can find the podcast and subscribe to it via your favorite podcast apps, but just in case, here are a few links:

Links to specific episodes:

Hope you enjoy the show!

Trailer Transcript

DEVON: Welcome to my diary! My name is Devon Glendenning.

If you stick around, you’ll hear all about my time in the countryside of Japan. No, I wasn’t taken captive by the last tribe of samurais during an ill-fated attempt to quell a rebellion. No, I didn’t crash my ship on the shores of a fishing village and earn the loyalty of the future ruler of the country. That sounds a little dangerous for my taste.

What I did do was take a nice, safe flight across the pacific and join the ranks of would-be English teachers running from their homes toward adventure. Good ‘ol 21st century adventure; no sharp swords or pointy arrows. I won’t rule out heat exhaustion or death by ramen, though.

If you’re wondering about the title, well… that’s me! Forever Foreign. No matter how much I learn about the language, the culture, the rules of engagement… I get the feeling that I’ll always be at least a little behind the 8-ball. And while it can be rough at times, it’s also part of the fun, so buckle up! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry… Hmm forget I said that, actually. Who wants to cry? Anyway, I think you’re gonna like it! See ya soon!

CALLUM: Forever Foreign is loosely based on real lives, but the characters are works of fiction. You can listen to it on your favorite podcast app starting September 29th and new episodes will be available every two weeks after that. Subscribe now so you don’t miss any!

Did I do that right?

DEVON: Perfect.


Writing, producing – David Taylor

Original Music – Brock Chrystian

Sound Design – David Armfield

Voice of Devon – David Taylor

Voice of Callum – Josh Leach

SFX/Music Credits: